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Since 1927, gifts to The Penn Fund—from undergraduate alumni and parents like you—have made a profound and immediate impact on all aspects of student life and learning at the University by providing grant-based financial aid packages to undergraduates, supporting enhancements to academic programs and campus technology, and fostering community through student clubs and organizations. This longstanding tradition of loyal generosity allows donors to support the University’s greatest needs and highest priorities through the general fund, long-term scholarship support, and special reunion class projects.

How do we support Undergraduates at Penn?

Undergraduate Financial Aid
Residential and Campus Life
Academic Enrichment

Class of 2024

Seniors for The Penn Fund

The Penn Fund is here for YOU.

The Penn Fund is a major source of philanthropic support that helps make your student experience exceptional. Gifts to The Penn Fund are immediately directed to core priorities across the University, such as undergraduate financial aid, residential and campus life, and academic enhancement. By getting involved and giving back even before you graduate, you will play a vital role in improving student life and learning for your classmates and peers while also helping to continue this special and longstanding University tradition.

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About Seniors for The Penn Fund 

Every year, Seniors for The Penn Fund engages passionate volunteers to encourage as many members as possible from the graduating class to make a gift and help provide even more incredible opportunities to Quakers of today and tomorrow. This academic year offers a unique and interesting opportunity to boost the Class of 2024’s philanthropic impact and show extra support for current and future undergraduates. To make your gift to the senior giving campaign click here. If you would like your gift to go to any of these specific funds—The I-Care Program Gift Fund, The Access and Retention Fund, The Fund for Penn First Plus, or The University Life Fund—visit here.

If you are interested in learning more about upcoming events or being involved with our campaign to make both an immediate and lasting impact, check out the application to be a volunteer committee member.

A word of motivation from former Seniors for The Penn Fund volunteers:

Rebecca Nadler, Co-Chair from the Class of 2023

I joined the Seniors for The Penn Fund Committee as a Co-Chair because of the invaluable opportunities I had the privilege to experience at Penn. The University had a tremendous influence on my academic, personal, and professional growth, much of which would not be possible without the fiduciary support of The Penn Fund. I hope to pay it forward to future classes of Quakers to afford them the same opportunities that enhanced my undergraduate experience. As Co-Chair, my favorite memory is from First Toast, our donor appreciation event. It was inspiring to see the Class of 2023 come together to celebrate our time at Penn while supporting the three class priorities: S4TPF, the James Brister Society Endowed Scholarship Fund, and The Fund for Penn First Plus. This is a longstanding Penn Tradition that I am honored to have partaken in and look forward to seeing its continuation.

Andrew Spangler, Co-Chair from the Class of 2023

Serving as Co-Chair of Seniors for The Penn Fund allowed me to play a part in ensuring that future classes of Penn students get the incredible opportunities that I was afforded during my time in college. Going into my senior year, I joined the Committee to be involved in our class’s efforts to give back to the University and to work with great people from across the four undergraduate schools. Being part of Seniors for The Penn Fund helped me to understand the importance of staying connected with Penn and gave me a glimpse of what engagement looks like after our time on campus. One of my favorite memories from my time on the Committee was seeing 1,000 members of our class come together at the First Toast, the kick-off event of Feb Club and our largest donor-appreciation event. While I’m no longer a student, I’m excited by the impact that our class has made, and will continue to make on Penn in the future!

More ways to stay connected and engaged!

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MyPenn provides Penn students and alumni the opportunity to connect. Please update your MyPenn profile to include your non-university email for greater connections post-grad. To update, click here.

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Penn It Forward Student Philanthropy Week

Together with the Student Philanthropy Council, celebrate the amazing philanthropic spirit within the Quaker community with a week full of impactful events! For more details, visit

Make it a red and blue dream come true.

Penn undergraduate students have the opportunity to make a real difference for those who follow in their footsteps or their fellow Quakers who attend the University today. Participation at any level will create a direct and immediate impact on campus.

President Gutmann with a group of students and Phillie's mascot