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Since 1927, gifts to The Penn Fund—from undergraduate alumni and parents like you—have made a profound and immediate impact on all aspects of student life and learning at the University by providing grant-based financial aid packages to undergraduates, supporting enhancements to academic programs and campus technology, and fostering community through student clubs and organizations. This longstanding tradition of loyal generosity allows donors to support the University’s greatest needs and highest priorities through the general fund, long-term scholarship support, and special reunion class projects.

How do we support Undergraduates at Penn?

Undergraduate Financial Aid
Residential and Campus Life
Academic Enrichment
Eddy's headshot

I’m very blessed with opportunities and in a good place to provide help.”

Eddy Yu C’21

Eddy Yu C’21

As a Penn freshman, Eddy taught middle and high school students and adults of all ages how to play the guitar at the Free Public Library of Philadelphia.

Through his freshman seminar, Music in Urban Spaces (MUSC018), Eddy not only learned how music influences people but experienced it first-hand as a volunteer in the Philly community. It was the knowledge of such Academically-Based Community Service classes that compelled him to apply to Penn in the first place. He knew he wanted to be in a place that fostered learning through experience and service.

Originally from Albany, New York, Eddy knew he wanted to attend college in a city. He loved the idea of living in Philadelphia for its myriad opportunities for academic and professional growth (and for its famous foodie scene.) Once his application was accepted, he got right to work. Knowing he’d be interested in learning about the opportunities for student leadership at the University, he attended PENNacle, a pre-orientation program sponsored by the Undergraduate Assembly and the Office of the Provost. 

The program gave him a perfect start to his goal of being a student leader. Eddy spent his freshman summer with the Penn Program for Public Service led by the director of the Netter Center for Community Partnerships, Dr. Ira Harkavy, and enjoys working with kids through the Center’s various initiatives.

He talks about his dreams to be involved in the education sector in the future, but one could argue he already is: his teaching has positively impacted so many kids and adults in the Philadelphia community, and he’s only just beginning.

Favorite Penn Tradition
New Student Orientation’s PENNacle Pre-Semester Series
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Favorite Penn Memory
The Eagles winning Super Bowl LII
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Favorite Penn Class
Music in Urban Spaces (MUSC018)
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