Hurrah for the Red and Blue (that’s you).
From first-time donors to devoted volunteers, from Ivy Stone Society and Benjamin Franklin Society members to undergraduate alumni celebrating milestone reunions, there are many groups for whom we are grateful. Thank you to all who loyally and generously support the University! Your collective impact makes a real difference on campus every day.

Your Passion and Commitment
Your giving powers Penn.
You make a real difference in the lives of current Quakers through your support of The Penn Fund. Enhancing priorities across the University, gifts that count toward The Penn Fund provide instant benefit to all aspects of undergraduate student life and learning on campus.

Annual Impact Report
Penn Fund supporters continue to raise the bar.
Our generous donors helped to ensure that Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024) was another incredible year. Undergraduate alumni and current parents made gifts that counted toward The Penn Fund, helping raise a record-breaking almost $56 million in support of the undergraduate student experience. Thank you very much to those who honored the University with their philanthropy last year!

Giving Societies
Your dedication is inspiring.
Members of our giving societies form the foundation of our ability to deliver on our promise to the University every year. Their significant and steadfast support provides direct and immediate impact for current and future Penn undergraduate students.

Class of 1917 Award
Recognizing an outstanding class.
The Class of 1989 had an extraordinary 35th Reunion! The Giving Committee—led by Michael Barrett ENG ’89, David France C’89, Lawrence Kaplan C’89 WG’95, Jill Topkis Weiss C’89, and nearly 30 additional volunteers—served as a consummate example for volunteers’ long-standing commitment to supporting undergraduate student life and learning. Together, the Class of 1989 raised over $8 million for the University in honor of their 35th Reunion and maintained their specific dedication to the Class of 1989 Endowed Scholarship and Penn First Plus. Notably, this committee used monthly meetings to learn from one another and offer space for critical discussion during a uniquely challenging year. Thank you, Class of 1989, for your collective respect for each other, your classmates, and the mission of reunion fundraising!
Make it a Red and Blue dream come true.
Penn undergraduate alumni and parents have the opportunity to make a real difference for those who follow in their footsteps or their own students who attend the University today. Participation at any level will create a direct and immediate impact on campus.