Support today’s Quakers.
Gifts to The Penn Fund are immediately directed to areas of the University that need support the most. These areas include undergraduate financial aid, residential and campus life, and academic enrichment.

Penn Fund Allocations
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Your dollars directly support Penn students.
Your support of The Penn Fund through the general fund, your class’s reunion campaign, or a named scholarship that you hold dear strengthens the University’s ability to provide grant-based financial aid and funding to the highest priorities on campus. Our University depends on support from donors like you who make a Red and Blue education possible for Quakers past, present, and future.
Our Priorities
General Fund
The Penn Fund provides unrestricted, current-use dollars in support of the undergraduate student experience that can be used wherever they are needed most across campus.
Priorities Supported
Hundreds of lasting scholarship funds supporting undergraduate students and created by individuals or families count toward The Penn Fund.
Priorities Supported
Special Reunion Projects
Classes celebrating their 25th through 50th milestone reunions select special projects benefiting elements of the undergraduate student experience that allow donors toward that effort to leave their mark on campus.
Priorities Supported
Our Priorities
Undergraduate Financial Aid
Providing affordable education to excellent students of all backgrounds by meeting 100% of demonstrated need.
Penn is the largest university in America to meet a student’s full need with exclusively grant-based aid. To make this possible, the University relies on support from its alumni, parents, and friends. This grant-based financial aid program meets 100% of demonstrated need, helping the best and brightest pursue a profoundly life-changing Ivy League educational experience. Undergraduate financial aid has never been more crucial, and it remains a top priority for The Penn Fund.
Student and Campus Life
Building communities, fostering meaningful bonds, and removing divides across understanding through extracurricular activities and the residential system.
The student experience outside of the classroom is vital to overall health and wellbeing. The maintenance and improvement of living spaces, such as student rooms and study areas, is a priority for the University. Undergraduate students also are involved in a myriad of clubs and activities that enrich campus and foster learning. Engagement with classmates and faculty through the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, as well as others like it, remains important to the comprehensive experience as well. Gifts that count toward The Penn Fund support these kinds of important initiatives among others.
Academic Enrichment
Creating research opportunities, bolstering learning centers, and ensuring the deepest educational connections between faculty and scholars.
Technology and innovative equipment are crucial to a world-class education, and perpetual advancements are required to make certain the University’s systems and offerings remain cutting-edge. As one example, Penn’s ever-evolving updates allow for the installation of new computers, audio-visual and telecommunications systems, and equipment used across schools and departments—all through the support of donors who give to The Penn Fund.
Make it a Red and Blue dream come true.
Penn undergraduate alumni and parents have the opportunity to make a real difference for those who follow in their footsteps or their own students who attend the University today. Participation at any level will create a direct and immediate impact on campus.