Come Back. Give Back.
Reunions provide undergraduate alumni with the opportunity to reconnect and reminisce with old friends while making new memories back on campus. These milestones also motivate classmates to come together and give back in honor of their Penn experience.

Every year approximately one-fifth of undergraduate alumni are celebrating milestone reunions, and together their gifts make up nearly one-third of all dollars raised for The Penn Fund.
Classes who celebrated reunions in fiscal year 2024 exceeded their goals and demonstrated generosity and dedication to the University, collectively raising money that counted toward The Penn Fund.
Thank you to our reunion classes for carrying on this philanthropic tradition and enhancing the undergraduate student experience for today’s Quakers!
These gifts directly benefit The Penn Fund and special projects chosen by several classes.
Ways to Get Involved
Volunteer Opportunities

Reunion Giving Volunteers
Reunion classes are led by giving committee volunteers who establish both donor and dollar goals to achieve throughout the reunion cycle and fiscal year—July 1 to June 30. Gifts in honor of milestone celebrations directly benefit The Penn Fund and special projects chosen by several classes.

Class of 1917 Award
The Class of 1989 had an extraordinary 35th Reunion! The Giving Committee—led by Michael Barrett ENG ’89, David France C’89, Lawrence Kaplan C’89 WG’95, Jill Topkis Weiss C’89, and nearly 30 additional volunteers—served as a consummate example for volunteers’ long-standing commitment to supporting undergraduate student life and learning. Together, the Class of 1989 raised over $8 million for the University in honor of their 35th Reunion and maintained their specific dedication to the Class of 1989 Endowed Scholarship and Penn First Plus. Notably, this committee used monthly meetings to learn from one another and offer space for critical discussion during a uniquely challenging year. Thank you, Class of 1989, for your collective respect for each other, your classmates, and the mission of reunion fundraising!
2024 Reunion Celebrations
Get involved with your reunion.
Participation in your class’s reunion giving campaign is a fun and engaging way to reconnect, reminisce, and remain a part of the Penn family.